
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thrift Store Find: Vintage Sheets

I have been meaning to share my new vintage floral sheets that I purchased at Value Village. I love a great find and I especially love finding unused, mint condition items at the thrift store. The sheets were $6.99 each and the pillowcases were a mere $0.99 each.

The prints are beautiful and are good weight cotton. They have a "Made in Japan" sticker on them and are nice and crisp. I am guessing that the previous owner never used them.

I am not sure what I will make with them just yet, but I have a few ideas that I am considering. I am also thinking of keeping a set for my vintage linen collection.

What do you think? Have you had any great thrift store finds lately?


  1. Wow! These remind me of my grandma's sheets. I am going to visit a few thrift shops, here, in Denver. Thanks, for the inspiration! Found you over at Brandi's Don't Disturb this Groove.

  2. Thanks for the visit Cynthia. I hope you get some great finds when you go thrifting.

  3. Thrift shopping seems to be coming back with a wave. There are truly great finds that one can get in many household areas. These sheets are beautiful and you will find some worthy projects to convert them to.

  4. I love your sheets! I just purchased a gorgeous set from a resale store for $4. I couldn't believe they made it to the 50% off bin! Keep us posted on what you do with them!

  5. Thanks Taylor! I will keep you posted. I find that sometimes I sit on pieces like these, because they are so beautiful and I want to find the right project. Do you have plans for your set?


Thanks for your comments!