
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Patchwork Pincushion

I have never been much for making quilts, doing appliqués or patchwork designs. I have always responded with the statement "I don't have that much patience." However, I have been seeing so many beautiful quilted pieces as of late, that it is moving me in the direction of trying my first quilt. I have even created a new Pinterest board, dedicated to the subject.

To get my feet wet, I decided to try making a pincushion, which was also needed for my sewing classes.  I had an idea of how I wanted it to look, but could not find a tutorial that showed me how to make the one I had in mind. I decided to think through the process and create my own pattern.

I'm sure that an experienced quilter will have some great advice on a more efficient way to make it, but I had fun with the process and it turned out the way I had in mind.

I filled the cushion using eco-fill and used a pink vintage button in the centre on either side of the cushion. The finished pincushion is 5" x 5" square. The reverse side of the pincushion is the solid 100% cotton fabric. I hope that my little project will inspire you to try one of your own. I love making pincushions and I think they make wonderful gifts.

Tutorial coming soon!

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